Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hi from India!

As we said earlier, we had a great flight and great food greeted us.

I was pretty nervous before the plane ride about how different the culture would be. I was drastically a minority on the plane, maybe six other white people, but it's really great here I don't feel that different!
There are many subtleties of the culture that I am already getting used to, but are nonetheless different! I will share some: one, many people, on the plane and in the airport, do not use deodorant. The airplane's smell reflected that slightly. Then, the airport, some parts were air conditioned, others were not. Coming out of the airport was CRAZY! Cars ran right up next to pedestrians pulling luggage, and in the first moment we stepped out of the airport we saw a girl almost get run over, her bags got hit by a car. It took us a little bit to find Rachna's family, but her cousin came and found us.
They were SO hospitable to us, bringing all of our luggage for us and cooking us a whole meal at 11:30 in the night!! Her cousins stayed up, chatted, and played cards with us rather than going to sleep.

A little first funny culture-story, well a few of them:
When I first got in the car to go to her cousin's house, I freaked when her cousin's hands weren't on the steering wheel! I whispered to Radhika (Rachna's sister), "Oh my gosh, he's not holding the wheel" only to realize that that was the PASSENGER side of the car, haha.

Another moment was after customs, there was a "lush" bathroom, and I went in the first stall i saw and there was a toilet with a fancy hole in the ground and a shower hose to clean yourself. I sucked it up and squattted and did my business. Afterwards, I found out that all of the other stalls were regular.. rachna and her sister didn't even use that kind!

So, I am adjusting little by little. I liked the Indian food so far.

We're off to the airport to fly to Rachna's grandmother's area!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! except for squatting in a hole! haha. I like this blog, its really nice and I'm glad you guys made it! Thanks for keeping us updated on your travels!

lindsaysabroad said...

So glad to read you arrived safely without anymore travel glitches. I cannot wait to continue reading about your journey!
