Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rachna -- We're in Mumbai, India!

Hey everybody! We finally reached India safe and sound after a long ordeal yesterday and an even longer flight today. The flight went smoothly, and we got a lot of sleep and watched many, many movies. Right now, we are at my cousin's house just resting up and playing cards before we take off at 5:50 am (India time) to go to Vadodara to meet up with my grandmother. We had a wonderful dinner here that consisted of 2 types of Indian bread (puri and roti), a potato dish, a dish consisted of Indian cheese, and pureed mango. It was delicious, and our stay here (although it will only be for a few hours) has been wonderful. I'm glad that I had the opportunity to stop by and see my family since I haven't seen them for many years -- they've been so hospitable!

Alright! Well, we're off and on our way to Vadodara, India. We'll blog from there... stay tuned!


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