Friday, July 25, 2008

Just across the rice patties!

We have had a great week of volunteering in the village and are in the city now for a night. We have made a lot of progress at the daycare center, i.e. seeing kids spontaneously say "more" in sign language and didis and teachers using their visual aids to communicate with the children, ilke picture communication systems and boards. It has been great to watch the practices in use by the Nepali teachers, not just us two American volunteers.

On Wednesday, Nepal elected its first president, so there was no school Thursday. we got to spend the whole day with the children's home in teh village, playing a huge game of football (soccer), guitar, drawing, dancing, and lots of other activities.

We had the chance to walk across teh rice patties this morning to another children's home... what a walk!! 5:30am never looked so good...

More details from the week to come later!

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