Thursday, June 26, 2008


One of the most fun things about India is the fact that EVERYONE rides scooters. There are more scooters than there are cars! Because we aren't from India, however, my grandmother seemed to think that we would probably die while on a scooter... therefore, we were never allowed to ride one. Today, however, my sister (Radhika) and I (Rachna) managed to convince her to let us ride a scooter... so. much. fun!!! It's one thing riding a rickshaw... you get to see and experience everything from within a tin-like car, but you don't really get to see everything out in the open. On a scooter, however, India is a whole different experience. First of all, no one here wears helmets, so its rather dangerous. Second of all, people don't have any concept of what a driving lane is... there are always people passing each other, constantly honking, screaming... its total chaos. Therefore, scooters are always swerving in and out of the way to dodge cars and other scooters. But, like I said, it was a lot of fun, and I'm pretty sure that the rest of India had fun watching two American girls try to ride on a scooter... I fell of almost every time I tried to get on or off the thing.

Tomorrow, we are going to Ahmedabad to stay at my mom's friend's house, and we leave for Nepal on June 30th! Jess and I are both very excited, and we'll make sure to keep in touch!

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